They say we are only as old as we feel and I truly believe that. There are certainly days that I think I could out last any 20 year; combined with the hands on knowledge and experience and then there are days that I wish for the innocence of youth. To go back and do things over....Would I be a different person?
Anyway, I celebrated my birthday in Florida this year. Terry took me away on a surprise trip to Florida. We rented a fabulous 4 bedroom house with a private pool. The weather was great; sunny and 80. I mean who doesn't love that in the middle of February? I feasted on some great seafood and relaxed by the pool. Certainly makes me miss living on the coast.
So now that I am another year older I am thinking about what do I really want to be when I grow up. I am looking at some alternate career options and trying to decide what, where and what I want to do. Will keep you posted on the outcomes.